Apple on Thursday released multiple security updates to patch three zero-day vulnerabilities that were revealed as being actively exploited in the wild. Rolled out as part of its iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS updates, the flaws reside in the FontParser component and the kernel, allowing adversaries to remotely execute arbitrary code and run malicious programs […]
A cyberespionage campaign aimed at aerospace and defense sectors in order to install data gathering implants on victims’ machines for purposes of surveillance and data exfiltration may have been more sophisticated than previously thought. The attacks, which targeted IP-addresses belonging to internet service providers (ISPs) in Australia, Israel, Russia, and defense contractors based in Russia
Cybersecurity researchers today took the wraps off an on-going cyber fraud operation led by hackers in Gaza, West Bank, and Egypt to compromise VoIP servers of more than 1,200 organizations across 60 countries over the past 12 months. According to findings published by Check Point Research, the threat actors — believed to be located in […]
A cyber-attacker successfully breaks into your environment and begins sneaking around to find something valuable – intellectual property, bank account credentials, company plans, whatever. The attacker makes his way to a certain host on a network node to browse the directories, and suddenly, his connection is cut off. The stolen username and password he acquired […]
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